수록사항 |
한국구조물진단학회지 , v.10 n.6(2006-11) |
주제어 |
Underground structure ; Displacement response method ; Spring coefficient of soil ; Seismic design ; 지중구조물 ; 응답변위법 ; 지반반력계수 ; 내진설계 |
요약1 |
본 연구에서는 응답변위법을 이용한 지중구조물의 지진해석에 있어서 지반반력계수에 관한 기본 자료와 근거를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 지반반력계수를 도로교 설계기준(2001), 지하공동구 내진설계기준(2004), 유한요소법으로 산출한 후, 비교ㆍ분석 하였다. 지반반력계수는 산정방법에 따라 도로교 설계기준에 비해 지하공동구 내진설계기준은 최대 4.55배, 유한요소법은 연직과 전단방향에 대해 각각 최대 3.24배와 2.00배 크게 산정되었으며, 단면력은 도로교 설계기준과 지하공동구 내진설계기준에 근거하여 구한 값이 정밀해석인 유한요소법으로 구한 값보다 전반적으로 크게 산출 되었다. |
요약2 |
This study performed earthquake response analyses of underground structures using displacement responses of soil. In this study, spring coefficients of surrounding soil proposed by specifications and researchers were adopted and then their corresponding analysis results were compared. The free field analyses using ProShake were carried out in order to predict ground responses of the field without underground structures. Several earthquakes such as El Centro, Ofunato, and Hachinohe earthquakes were considered to calculate maximum displacements. Numerical examples were analyzed, and then the results were compared and commented depending on spring coefficients of soil for the analyses using displacement responses of soil. The soil coefficients ranged from 0.05 to 14.39 times of those calculated by Korean Bridge Design Specification (2005). In conclusion, the coefficients of soil proposed by standard specifications seemed to be overestimated compared with those by the finite element method(FEM). |