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한국공간구조학회|한국공간구조학회지 2022년 9월

기사명 대공간 목구조 건축의 건립 현황과 구조시스템 특성 분석 / A Study on the Construction Status and the Structural System Features of Wooden Large Space Buildings
저자명 이주나(Lee, Juna)식별저자 ; 이형훈(Lee, Hyunghoon) ; 이승재(Lee, Seong-Jae)식별저자
발행사 한국공간구조학회
수록사항 한국공간구조학회지 , Vol. 22, No. 3 (통권 89호)(2022-09)
페이지 시작페이지(15) 총페이지(10)
ISSN 15984095
주제분류 구조
주제어 ; Wooden large space building; Wooden large space structure; Structure system; Timber structure; A state of the Art
요약2 In this research, the case of modern wooden structures since 1950 with span of 30m or more was investigated and analyzed the construction status and structural planning characteristics of wooden large space architecture. As a result, wooden large space buildings have built around Asia, North America, and Europe, in which cases of ice skating stadiums with span of 30m to 60m were concentrated. In the case of baseball parks and football stadiums, even a span of about 165m was built in a wooden structure. In addition, it was found that the structural systems used in wooden large space structures were a funicular arch and truss structure, in that cases, funicular arch system consisting of radial arrangements was used in the examples exceeded 150m and the two way truss system was also used in long span wooden structures exceeding 100m. As the truss structure with a tie-rod or the flexure+tension structure was partially investigated, it can be seen that various timber structural systems need to be devised and researched. Also, It was investigated that a technique in which some members of the truss are made of steel or a composite member of steel and timber is also possible to develop
소장처 한국공간구조학회
언어 한국어
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.9712/KASS.2022.22.3.15
건축구조 > 기타 연구분야 > 기타구조형식

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