수록사항 |
건축(대한건축학회지) , v.29 n.123(1985-03) |
요약1 |
본 연구에서는 건축물에 사용되는 국산 단열재에 대하여 열적성능을 파악하기 위하여 각종 단열재에 대하여 열전도율 실험을 진행하고 그 실험결과를 국내외의 단열재에 대한 성능기준 및 관계자료와 비교 고찰한다. |
요약2 |
The objectives of this study are to upgraed the quality of buileing insulations, to show the actual thermal conductivity of various insulations, and to provide experimintal data applicable to the effective calculation of the quantitative heat transmission in the building design. In order to get much more reliable data, specimen tests were made on the densities and the thermal conductivities of 28 items, 12 kinds of domestic building insulations by varing the temperatures, and then the results were compared with the standards and regulations of oue own and other countries. |