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±³À°½Ã¼³(Çѱ¹±³À°½Ã¼³ÇÐȸÁö) , Vol.24 No.6(2017-11) |
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This study is about user satisfaction of the Junior College Library based on its characteristics of space composition. For this, we studied characteristics of space composition targeting the libraries in colleges in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. First, in case of study of characteristics of space composition for books and library data, student satisfaction for traditional and normal library areas was high. It means that the service based on library areas should start from normal library areas as well as there is a change about space as the type of data in libraries change to electric data and multimedia. Second, If we look at the space for a reader and a user, satisfaction for a normal reading room was high. we can also see that satisfaction for a computer room and a multimedia reading room was not higher but still high. Also, the reason why satisfaction for a multimedia reading room that provides various activities was high was that the complex of a library space is needed to provide users with various activities. Third, in case of space for programme function and meeting, satisfaction for the room of video information and the group study room was high. we can see that user satisfaction for the space got high basically when a user is satisfied with the proper information technology based on interaction Fourth, as a result of variance analysis of 3 spaces of Junior College Library and the services, the size of the space of service does not influence user satisfaction directly. Even the space is small, if it decorates variously like with a lighting for a user, a window seat to meet the nature of users and has specific factors such as space reservation using internet, user satisfaction is high. If we summarise the result of this study, to make user satisfaction for speace in a Junior College Library higher, not just we need to try to make it extend as a educational, a cultural place but we also need to accept the student's requirement that the space also needs to be extend as a complex cultural space. |