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[원문보기시 소비되는 포인트 : 100 포인트] 미리보기 인용

대한건축학회|학술발표대회 논문집 2006년 10월

논문명 공동주택의 친환경 리모델링을 위한 부품접합부의 시공메뉴얼 및 시공방안에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Component Joint Manual for Environment Friendly Multi Housing Remodeling / 03. 제1분과 건축계획
저자명 임석호 ; 김수암식별저자 ; 황은경식별저자
발행사 대한건축학회
수록사항 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 (2006-10)
페이지 시작페이지(97) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 리모델링 / 시공(적산)
주제어 설계 매뉴얼 ; 부품 ; 리모델링 ; 조립 기준면 ; 수선주기 ; 접합부 ; Design Manual ; Component ; Remodeling ; Reference Plane ; LC(Life Cycle) ; Joint
요약2 This study intends to find a solution for long-life span multi-family housing design, promoting sequential remodeling by stating the life cycle of components. Problems were identified by analyzing joints, design and construction of multi-family housing based on the previous researches. The problem of the wet joint was seen in joints between the structure and a finishing materials and ones between separate finishing materials. The problem of overlap was frequently seen in joints between the structure and window, window and a finishing materials. The process of separating the area of jointed parts in order to eliminate the problem of overlap was seen in joints between a window and a finishing material and ones between a gypsum board on the ceiling and a light. This study propose the development type of component joint design for environment friendly multi housing remodeling.
소장처 대한건축학회
언어 한국어
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