논문명 |
동조질량감쇠기를 이용한 바닥슬래브의 진동제어 / Vibration Control for Floor Slabs using Tuned Mass Damper / 08. 제6분과 구조해석 |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 (2006-10) |
주제어 |
진동제어 ; 바닥슬래브 ; 동조질량감쇠기 ; Vibration Control ; Floor VIbration ; Tuned Mass Damper |
요약2 |
The Floors of Structures are often subjected to the periodic force which is induced by vibrating machines or human activity(walking, jumping, running etc). These periodic forces cause excessive oscillation. Such a vibration can be reducted efficiently by using tuned mass dampers. The tuned mass damper, one of the simplest and most reliable control device applied th the vibration problems of the floors, has many advantages compared with other damping devices. But TMD is very sensitive even to a small offset in the tuning frequency ratio. This reduced the effectiveness of TMD the vibration control. In this paper, to decrease the magnitude of the floor motion, two TMD's per one bay were installed. Each damper consisted of four spring and two viscous damper which were used to adjust the TMD frequency and damping. After Installation of TMD's, the floor response is reduced about 40~50% |