논문명 |
건축설계과정의 추상작용에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Abstraction in the Architectural Design Process |
저자명 |
김상호 (Kim Sang-Ho) ; 최왕돈 (Choi Wang-Don) |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회논문집 계획계, v.24 n.12 (2008-12) |
주제어 |
추상기계 ; 추상작용 ; 의미론 ; 다이어그램 ; 계열화 ; 구축 ; 재현 ; Abstract Machine ; Abstraction ; Semantics ; Diagram ; Serialization ; Construction ; Representation |
요약2 |
This study attempts to find out the structure of thinking in the architectural design process through analyzing Gilles Deleuze's 'abstract machine'. For this discussion, the notion and principle of abstract machine are reinterpreted by his semantics. Consequently, it makes a potential field of meaning by the serialization of arbitrary elements and its process is regarded as abstraction. Therefore, the architectural design process can be a redefining process from the relations among architectural elements to the relations between construction and representation. It can also be classified as three levels: formal, realistic, substantial. This discourse of abstraction can not be only the theoretical analysis on the architectural design process but practical effect: negation of causality, amplification of creative thinking, formation of unified consistency. |