논문명 |
고강도 원형 CFT기둥의 구조거동 / Structural Behavior of High Strength Circular CFT Columns / 10. 제8분과 강구조 |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 (2009-10) |
주제어 |
단주 ; 원형기둥 ; 콘크리트 충전강관 기둥 ; 지름두께비 ; 편심 ; Stub Column ; Circular Column ; Concrete Filled Tubular Column ; Diameter to thickness(D/t) ratio ; Eccentricity Load |
요약2 |
Circular CFT column provides confinement effect superior to that of square CFT column of the same sectional area and yields various composite actions thanks to the three-axis-stress of the concrete. However, simple accumulation method which is used to evaluate the strength of circular CFT column in many countries results in the ignorance or blurred expression of the confinement effect between members in spite of the merits associated with the column. In addition, while the use of high-strength steel and concrete can provide enhanced load capacity, the studies on members have not been conducted enough to define it and the studies on concrete filled steel tube column using high-strength materials have focused on the compressive strength of the concrete. While the coverage of the KBCS has been widened, no appropriate actions have been made to deal with the members beyond its limit. Accordingly, in this study, structural tests for CFT columns made of high-strength steel (325MPa, 440MPa) and concrete (30MPa, 60MPa)were conducted with variables of diameter-thickness ratio (D/t: 40, 60, 80, 100) and eccentric ratio (e: 0, 0.5D) and the ductile performance and dynamic characteristics associated with the design formulas and members used in different countries were analyzed. |