논문명 |
시간종속요소를 이용한 중저층 RC구조물의 연속지진하중에 대한 동적응답 연구 / Dynamic Response of Mid- & Low-rise RC Structures using the Time-dependent Element subjected to Multiple Earthquakes / 제Ⅲ-1분과 건물의 내진설계 및 성능평가Ⅰ |
수록사항 |
한국지진공학회 춘계학술발표회 논문집 (2010-03) |
요약2 |
This study presents seismic responses of 5-story reinforced concrete structures retrofitted with the buckling-restrained braces using the time-dependent element. The time-dependent element having birth and death time can freely be activated within the user defined time intervals during the time history analysis. This paper compared seismic responses of the RC structures with the time-dependent element subjected to the multiple earthquakes. It was investigated that activation of the buckling-restrained braces resulted in increased capacity of the structures with respect to the cumulative damages. |