논문명 |
한강교량의 미학적 특성에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics of the Han River Bridges |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회논문집 계획계, v.26 n.05 (2010-05) |
주제어 |
교량 ; 한강교량 ; 미학적 요소 ; Bridge ; Han River Bridges ; Aesthetic Factors |
요약2 |
The purpose of this study was to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of the Han river bridges and to provide the basic data for designing of new bridges or maintaining of existing bridges. The research method was twofold: first, to hypothesize five aesthetics factors that were function, proportion, form, materials and texture and color, based on precedent research; and second, to analyze twenty six bridges of the Han river. The results of this study was as follows; the Han river bridges were lacking of walk space in function, not matched in proportion and monotonous in form. The materials and texture were not various and the color was unstabled. In sum, it drew a conclusion the Han river bridges were problematic from the aesthetic point of view. |