논문명 |
대공간구조물 지붕구조의 양중계획 영향요소 우선순위 결정에 관한 연구 / A Study on Priority Decision for Influential Factors of Lifting Planing in Roof System of Large Span Spatial Structure |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회지회연합회 논문집, v.13 n.02 (통권46호) (2011-06) |
주제어 |
대공간구조물 ; 양중계획 ; 영향요소 ; 우선순위 결정 ; Large Span Spatial Structure ; Lifting Planning ; Influential Factors ; Priority Decision |
요약2 |
Importance of lifting planing increases in construction with becoming larger and higher of buildings lately. Especially, lifting planing in roof system of large span spatial structure is more important because it is of great importance about lifting and lifting load. Therefore, purpose of this study is to draw the influential factors of lifting planing and to determine the priority of influential factors in roof system of large span spatial structure. The targets of this study are truss structure in rigid structure and discretization system in large span spatial structure. The method of this study is to classify the five-checking phase of lifting planing and to take a survey with experts participating the large span spatial structure. After drawing the influential factors of five-checking phase, the influential factors determine importance and the priority using the 5 points calm measure. The results of this study are to determine the priority of influential factors in roof system of large span spatial structure through necessity, importance and correlation analysis and to suggest the preliminary data refering at planing. |