논문명 |
[논문] 건축허가절차 합리화를 위한 제도적 개선방향에 관한 연구 / A Research on the Improvement Direction of the Governmental System to Rationalize the Domestic Building Permit Process |
수록사항 |
국토계획, v.48 n.6(통권 201호) (2013-11) |
주제어 |
건축허가 ; 허가행정절차 ; 재량행위 ; 재고 또는 재심 ; Building Permit ; Permit Process ; Discretionary Act ; Reconsideration or Appeal |
요약2 |
Building permit is one of the most important part in an architectural process. However many architects in Korea feel the difficulties in the current systems and insist that the improvement of the systems shall help the advancement of the domestic architecture. The building permit processes of Korea, USA, and Japan are introduced, compared, and analyzed in this study. The purpose of this study is to make the building permit process more clear and effective in Korea so that architects can afford to spend more time on their architectural works than legal processes, and finally to stimulate the advancement of the domestic architectural culture. Additionally the direction of advanced legal systems for the architectural field in Korea is proposed by researching fundamental methods to limit the discretionary acts of the governmental offices. |