논문명 |
공동주택의 에너지 소비량 예측 모델 / Energy Consumption Prediction Model of Apartment Buildings / 추계-05. 건축환경 및 설비 |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, v.34 n.2 (2014-10) |
주제어 |
공동주택 ; 에너지소비량 ; 예측 모델 ; Apartment Buildings ; Energy Consumption ; Prediction Model |
요약2 |
This study aims to proposing an prediction model for reduce the energy consumption of apartment building. And the conclusions reached as a result of this study are as follows. 1) The Prediction model was derived by regression analysis of 15 complex of 81 buildings, and the confidence of heating energy consumption prediction, electrical energy consumption was 80.7%, 87.9%, respectively. Especially, Both of prediction model was verified for significance, and there are no defects in collinearity statistics. 2) The average rate of prediction model was about 91%, it was Highly Reliable values for verification of heating, electrical energy consumption of apartment. |