논문명 |
건축물 에너지성능 평가방법 비교분석을 통한 국내 건축물에너지소비증명제도 개선방안 / Improvement of building energy performance disclosure system based on the comparative analysis of building energy performance evaluation methods / 추계-05. 건축환경 및 설비 |
저자명 |
오수현 ; 양시원 ; 김지혜 ; 박덕준 ; 김선숙 |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, v.34 n.2 (2014-10) |
주제어 |
에너지성능 ; 건축물 에너지소비증명제도 ; AR ; OR ; 에너지소요량 ; 에너지사용량 ; Energy Performance ; Building Energy Performance Disclosure ; Asset Rating Operational Rating ; Energy Demand ; Energy Consumption |
요약2 |
Building energy performance disclosure system aims to increase the market value of energy efficient building and to induce energy efficient investments by making owner disclose building energy performance during building transaction. In this study, we investigated AR(Asset Rating) method which evaluate by the calculation and OR(Operating Rating) method which evaluate using the measured energy use data. Foreign energy performance evaluation methods were reviewed, and energy performance evaluation methods was analysed and categorized. Based on the comparative analysis, we analyzed the current situation and problems of domestic building energy performance disclosure system. Finally, we deduced improvements for domestic building energy performance disclosure system. |