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한국BIM학회|논문집 2014년 6월

논문명 Building Integrated Vegetation Systems into the New Sainsbury's Building Based on BIM
저자명 이동규
발행사 한국BIM학회
수록사항 한국BIM학회 논문집, v.4 n.2 (2014-06)
페이지 시작페이지(25) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 2288-1697
주제분류 전산
주제어 BIV (Building Integrated Vegetation) ; BIM (Building Information Modeling) ; BGD (Blue Green Dream) Project
요약2 Today, there is a growing need of environment-friendly buildings, so-called 'green', facilities, and energy saving buildings to decrease environmental pollutants released into cities by construction activities. Green-Building Information Modeling (Green-BIM) is a purpose-built solution which supports to forecast energy consumption of 3-D model of a building by augmenting its primary 3-D measurements (width, height and depth) with many more dimensions (e.g. time, costs, social impacts and environmental consequences) throughout a series of sequential phases in the lifecycle of a building. The current study was carried out in order to integrate vegetation systems (particularly green roof and green wall systems) and investigate thermal performance of the new Sainsbury's building which will be built on Melton road, Leicester, United Kingdom. Within this scope, a 3-D building model of the news Sainsbury's building was first developed in Autodesk® Revit® and this model was then simulated in Autodesk® Ecotect®once weather data of the construction site was obtained from Autodesk® Green Building Studio®. This study primarily analyzed data from (1) solar radiation, (2) heat gains and losses, and (3) heating and cooling loads simulation to evaluate thermal performance of the building integrated with vegetation system or conventionally available envelops. The results showed that building integrated vegetation system can potentially reduce internal solar gains on the building rooftops by creating a 'bioshade'. Heat gains and losses through roofs and walls were markedly diminished by offering greater insulation on the building. Annual energy loads for heating and cooling were significantly reduced by vegetation more significantly through the green roof system in comparison to green wall system.
소장처 한국BIM학회
언어 영어