논문명 |
국내 공공도서관 복합화 경향에 대한 연구 / A Study on the Complex Trends of Public Libraries in Korea - Focus on the Regional Characteristics - / 지역별 특성 도시, 도농복합시, 농어촌을 의미한다.을 중심으로 |
수록사항 |
한국문화공간건축학회 논문집, 통권 제47호 (2014-08) |
주제어 |
공공도서관 ; 복합화 경향 ; 지역별 특성 ; 공공도서관 복합화 ; Public Library ; Complex Trend ; Regional Characteristic ; Public Library Complex |
요약2 |
The current trend of public library is also to provide cultural experiences, in addition to the original services. Variety of activities including watching video contents, taking culture-related classes, and spending leisure time are often available in modern libraries. Such trend is based on the technological advancement that successfully brought social media to any given spaces. Since 2000, as the number of public libraries rapidly increased, variety of researches on how the modern trend transformed public libraries have been done. However, researches mostly focused on the general scheme of complexation of libraries as multi-purposed spaces, lacking the recognition of specific characteristics of different types of regions. Therefore, on the basis of fifty-five samples that provides extra services not included in 'A Manual on Construction and Management for Public Libraries', this research focuses on the different forms of complexation of public libraries depending on the variety of types of local regions, in means to provide basic principles for the future establishments of public libraries. The definition of the modern complexation of public libraries and the criteria of types of regions are explained first, and analyzation of different forms of local libraries are further provided. |