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대한건축학회|대한건축학회논문집 계획계 2015년 2월

논문명 문화유산 국제보존원칙에서 나타난 역사도시경관의 보존개념 / Exploring 'Historic Urban Landscape' as a New Approach to Heritage Conservation
저자명 채혜인 ; 박소현
발행사 대한건축학회
수록사항 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, Vol.31 No.02 (2015-02)
페이지 시작페이지(253) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 12269093
주제분류 역사
주제어 역사도시경관 ; 국제보존원칙 ; 도시 보존 ; Historic Urban Landscape ; International Documents for conservation ; Urban Conservation
요약2 This paper is based on a content analysis, exploring international documents related to 'Historic Urban Landscape (HUL)' concept, which was introduced in the 'Recommendation for the HUL' and adopted by UNESCO in 2011. HUL, regarded as a new approach to heritage conservation, is expected to be an opportunity to harmonize the controversial issue in urban context, development and conservation, and also to lead a new paradigm of heritage notion, philosophy as well as method. This is because HUL ultimately accepts the situation that changes in historic urban area is inevitable. While previous studies have the point of view to understand HUL as the latest urban conservation concept, this paper applies 'landscape' perspectives, which were stressed primarily in HUL concept, in order to explain what the HUL approach means. This paper confirms that landscape conservation concepts have been evolved from "historic garden", to "cultural landscape" and then to "historic urban landscape" in the international documents, broadening the notion of landscape from a monument to everyday-life places. Consequently methods for urban conservation was shifted from preserving the original state to managing changes, respecting participation of residents and creative strategies. In conclusion, HUL approach is, after all, the management of changes in the urban context, which are concerned with future heritage. What's more, HUL, which is evolutionarily broadened its scope, lets us investigate the notion of heritage and heritage conservation methods.
소장처 대한건축학회
언어 한국어
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.2.253
건축역사 및 이론 > 보전 및 복원

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