논문명 |
스마트워크센타의 개인 업무공간 비교 연구 / A Comparative Study on the Personal Working Environment of Smart Work Centers / 추계-01. 건축계획 |
저자명 |
이현희(Lee, Hyun-Hee) ; 구상회(Koo, Sang-Hoe) |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, Vol.36 No.2 (2016-10) |
주제어 |
스마트워크 ; 워크스마트 ; 스마트워크센타 ; 개인업무공간 ; Smart Work ; Work Smart ; Smart Work Center ; Personal Working Environment |
요약2 |
Smart Work is a way of working independent of time and space restrictions with the help of ICT. For past years, Korea has been promoting Smart Work to boost ICT industry, to overcome low birth rate and population ageing, and to implement Smart Korea. Three elements of Smart Work include people, technology and space. A lot of research has been performed on people and technology for Smart Work. But it is hard to find research on space. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of personal working environment of SWC(Smart Work Center). From this research, it is observed that current SWCs in Korea are good in providing personal work spaces. And also, it is observed that personal space plans need to be multi-functional, and that novel supporting spaces are required to improve quality of life and creativity of workers. |