논문명 |
회복력을 위한 파사드 녹화 면적 비율 분석에 관한 연구 / Analysis of Visible Greenery Ratio in Facade Towards Resilience / 추계-01. 건축계획 |
저자명 |
송지연(Song, Jee-yeon) ; 이현수(Lee, Hyunsoo) |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, Vol.36 No.2 (2016-10) |
주제어 |
파사드 ; 녹지점유율 ; 비율 ; 치유 환경 ; Facade ; Facade Greenery ; Greenery Ratio ; Resilience |
요약2 |
This study analyzes the facade area ratio recorded in a view to promoting resilience. Through a case study of the facade know the status of the facade recording rate, and research to know how to improve somewhat the ratr recorded facade of the future. The average of the lapse study showed 32.89% that the facade recording ratio significantly short of 70%, which will be called optimum recording rate. Greening has been promotes to improve architectural and urban environments. So, facade of the greenery will be quantified if the law applied to architectural design will be great help to provide a healing environment for human urban environment. |