논문명 |
재난 임시 주거 및 지원시설의 접근성에 따른 배치 생성 알고리즘 개발에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Development of an Arrangement Generative Algorithm for Disaster Temporary houses and supporting facilities. - Focusing on the quantification of accessibility using the space syntax - / - 공간구문론을 이용한 접근성의 정량화를 중심으로- / 추계-01. 건축계획 |
저자명 |
심현수(Sim, Hyeon-Su) ; 최중현(Choi, Joong-Hyun) |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, Vol.36 No.2 (2016-10) |
주제어 |
생성디자인 ; 재난 임시 주거 ; 설계 제약조건 ; 공간배치 ; 공간구문론 ; Generative Design ; Disaster temporary houses ; Design Constraints ; Space Arrangement ; Space Syntax |
요약2 |
Efforts for using the use a computer have been made throughout the construction industry with the development of digital tools. Recently, as various generative design researches have been attempt to implemented freeform design techniques, an architect are required to make a space plan by himself. The purpose of this study is to develop on arrangement generative algorithm for disaster temporary houses and supporting facilities depending on the accessibility. Spatial Planning is required to consider the relationship between spaces and the value of space. However, this factors are qualitative constraints. So, generation arrangement by design computing is preferentially required a quantification of qualitative constraints. Space Syntax can defined as the quantitative relationship between space measured a relative distance. Results of the study is an arrangement generative algorithm. first, the algorithm is estimate a relationship between disaster temporary houses and supporting facilities, next, this is possible to place a space depending on a quantified scores. |