논문명 |
리모델링을 통한 마장동 축산물시장 도시재생 방안에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Urban Regeneration of Majang Livestock Products Market by Remodeling / 추계-02. 건축설계 |
저자명 |
정민지(Chung, Min-Ji) ; 이동훈(Lee, Tonghoon) |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, Vol.36 No.2 (2016-10) |
주제어 |
도시재생 ; 전통시장 ; 리모델링 ; Urban Regeneration ; Traditional Market ; Remodeling |
요약2 |
The purpose of this study is: to propose a series of new program spaces for the main street of the Majang Livestock Products Market in accordance with the city-wide urban regeneration plan; and to develop architectural remodelling design schemes for these program spaces. Based on the merchants' and residents' needs and the analysis of the existing economical and cultural resources of the Market, the newly-proposed program spaces include a craft shop, a cooking class, and a museum of history. Respecting the existing urban fabric of the Market and its neighborhood, the remodelling design schemes aim to create a vital urban environment promoted by the introduction of the new program. |