논문명 |
용산철도병원 본관의 건축적 특징과 철도의료시설로서의 특징 / The Old Yongsan Railway Hospital as a Railway Healthcare Facility / 추계-03. 역사및건축론 |
저자명 |
이연경(Lee, Yeon-kyung) ; 김기주(Kim, Ki-Joo) ; 유기원(Yoo, Ki-Won) |
수록사항 |
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, Vol.36 No.2 (2016-10) |
주제어 |
용산 ; 철도병원 ; 근대병원 ; 의료시설 ; Yongsan ; Railway Hospital ; Modern Hospital ; Healthcare facilties |
요약2 |
This study aims to analyze the of railway healthcare facilities in the first half of 20thcentury through analysis of Yongsan Railway Hospital. The Yongsan Railway Hospital building was built in 1928 to expand the existing facilities renovated in 1939. Preserved well, the Yongsan Railway Hospital building shows the characteristics of modern hospital buildings in the transition stage from historical classicism to modernism in the late 1920s. Yongsan Hospital also specific characteristics of railway healthcare facilities such as having a separate entryway for the wounded and physical therapy, that shows how modernism style was adopted in the healthcare facilities in the late 1920s in Korea. |