논문명 |
공주 구 선교사가옥과 제일교회의 건축적 가치연구 / A study on the Architectural OUV of Old Missionary House and First Methodist Church at Gongju |
수록사항 |
한국문화공간건축학회 논문집, 통권 제61호 (2018-02) |
주제어 |
근대교회건축 ; OUV ; 공주선교사가옥 ; 공주제일교회 ; 세계유산 ; 한국선교건축 ; Modern church architecture ; OUV ; Gongju old missionary house ; Gongju first methodist church ; World heritage ; Missionary architecture of Korea |
요약2 |
Korean Protestant buildings have shown an integrated form of architecture since 1910, which makes it difficult to distinguish the differences among each denomination. Gongju had been an important Mission Station for missionaries in Modern era owing to its geographical position, locating in central part of the Southern Korean Peninsula. Baptist and Methodist particularly were at the forefront of the station. However, only two mission-related sites have been registered as national cultural property. Most of modern-age buildings have been lost in the Korean War or rebuilt for new development and structural enhancement. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to realize the integrity and authenticity of Protestant missionary architecture in Gongju, which served as the center of the Korean Peninsula through the study of registered cultural assets related to Protestant missionary sites. The old missionary house, one of the two cultural properties remained in Gongju, is likely to be well-preserved. This building contains the context of missionary houses built in the early 20th century, and exhibits restrained and concise form. The building has a cross-shaped wall in the center of the plan, which shows the Wholeness with the absolute ratio of space. The former 'Gongju First Methodist Church', which is used as a Christian museum, was built in 1930. It is the classical form of the Methodist Church and has motif of the third 'Jeong-dong First Methodist Church', which represents Korea Methodist Church. When the building was extended, the wall and the first floor plan, left after the Korean War, was maintained in order to preserve the original form. Although the extension part was built in the form of retro Gothic style at the time, it represents the Authenticity maintaining architectural spirit of the old-Methodist. |