논문명 |
전시공간에서 나타나는 헤테로토피아(Heterotopia) 특성 및 공간 개념 분석에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Characteristics and Space Concept Analysis of Heterotopia in Exhibition Spce - Case Study of Historical Perspective on Japanese Military Sexual Slavery - / 일본군'위안부'역사관 사례를 중심으로 / 3-학술발표1 |
저자명 |
최유리(Choi, You-Ri) ; 공순구(Kong, Soon-Ku) |
수록사항 |
한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 제20권 1호 (2018-05) |
주제어 |
유토피아 ; 헤테로토피아 ; 미셸푸코 ; 일본군 위안부 ; 역사관 ; Utopia ; Heteropia ; Michel Foucault ; Comfort Women ; History Museum |
요약2 |
Ever since the existence of military sexual slavery victims by Japan has been officially revealed to global society, the survivors and human rights activists have joined ceaseless efforts to find just settlement. History museum, peace monument were built in response to the civil demand and weekly Wednesday rally is still ongoing, but we must also acknowledge the inner conflicts and dissents within our society on the construction of Woman and War Museum in Independence Park, and not only to understand the importance of establishing undistorted historical perspective on Japanese military sex slavery and transmit the true history to next generation, but also to gain a perspective of Michel Foucault who raised questions against the common paradigm without fear and broadened the field of historiography. Heterotopia is a coinage of Heteros(different) and Topos(space) created by Foucault himself. It is an actualized utopia of our society that materially functions as the idealized concept of utopia. This study is designed to analyse and investigate the historical perspective on Japanese military sexual slavery through the heterotopic elements to free the emotional distresses of the survivors whose minds are still constrained to past, and adjust to the undistorted historical perspectives to preserve the historical documents of the sexual slavery. |