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대한건축학회|ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH(논문집) 2019년 12월

논문명 Japanese Postmodernity and Flat Architecture
저자명 Lawrence B. Kim
수록사항 ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH(대한건축학회 논문집), Vol.21 No.4 (2019-12)
페이지 시작페이지(99) 총페이지(11)
ISSN 12296163
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 Superflat; Flat architecture; Japanese postmodernity and subculture; Murakami Takashi; Two-dimensional aesthetic
요약2 ‘Superflat’ is a hugely influential contemporary art movement founded by Takashi Murakami. The concept of Superflat art is based on the notion that there exists in contemporary Japanese culture an inherent inclination for two-dimensionality devoid of
perspective and hierarchy with all elements existing equally and simultaneously. The theory is defined in broad terms and asserts that this inclination for flat aesthetic has its roots in the traditional Japanese art and the development of post-war Japanese subculture. As
such, Superflat as a theory possesses a capacity to engage and explain wide-ranging conditions in contemporary Japan. Taro Igarashi has made such a point and argues that the generations of leading Japanese architects practicing today possess Superflat ‘tendency’ for
flat aesthetics and are inclined to focus on the expressive possibilities of the building’s skin. While such sensibility could simply be interpreted as a stylistic trend that has emerged over the years, when examined against the characteristics of the art movement, there
exist unmistakable similarities in terms of the design sensibility and techniques applied. Furthermore, the theory has become a force in how Japanese architecture is defined and understood internationally in the past decade.
소장처 대한건축학회
언어 영어
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/AIKAR.2019.21.4.99
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