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[원문보기시 소비되는 포인트 : 100 포인트] 미리보기 인용

한국문화공간건축학회|논문집 2021년 2월

논문명 알바루 시자 전시공간의 채광방식 유형 및 진화에 관한 연구 / A Study on Typology and Evolution of Daylighting Methods in the Exhibition Space of Alvaro Siza
저자명 변영우식별저자; 주 범
발행사 한국문화공간건축학회
수록사항 한국문화공간건축학회 논문집, 통권 제73호 (2021-02)
페이지 시작페이지(33) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 1738-818X
주제분류 계획및설계 / 도시
주제어 알바루 시자; 미술관; 전시공간; 자연광 채광 방식; 간접광 ; Alvaro Siza; Museum; Exhibition Space; Daylighting Method; Indirect Light
요약2 To Alvaro Siza, natural light is the essence of architecture that reflects his experiences in various architectural works. In addition, with the theme of daylight, he continues to work on how to allow light into the inner space. In using these lights in museum, several types of daylighting method can be found. Therefore, this study aims to understanding the typologies and the aspects of evolution in terms of daylighting method used in the exhibition space of Siza. His daylighting method can be classified into several categories through the use of daylighting and artificial lighting, and these categories have evolved into various forms through scattering of light. As a result, Along with the daylighting methods through the skylight, it attracts attention and attracts external scenery. Furthermore, for sufficient illumination daylighting methods are maintained by architectural resolution using side windows and high side windows without relying on artificial lighting. And the types of daylighting method have evolved in appropriate way to control the amount of light. In conclusion, the light used in the exhibition space is applied in various ways to create an atmosphere like daylight.
소장처 한국문화공간건축학회
언어 한국어
건축계획 및 설계 > 비주거건축 계획 > 문화·체육시설 계획 > 전시

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