논문명 |
셀프빨래방 업종의 특성과 브랜드 정체성을 위한 디자인 요소 / Characteristics of Self-service Laundry and Design Factors for Brand Identity |
수록사항 |
한국실내디자인학회 논문집, Vol.30 No.1(통권 144호) (2021-02) |
주제어 |
셀프빨래방; 무인매장(점포); 서비스스케이프; 물리적 환경; 브랜드 정체성 ; Self-service Laundry; Unmanned Store; Servicescape; Physical Environment; Brand Identity |
요약2 |
Self-service laundry that operates out of 24hours, unmanned, and non-face-to-face, which is one of the areas that have become the most popularity in their daily lives in Korea. Contrary to the rapidly growing interest and stores with diverse brands, however, research has yet to being in earnest. This study investigated the characteristics of Self-service laundry with a perspective of servicescape, which focuses on physical conditions that showing differences and commonality among several franchise brands. The physical conditions in this study include exterior factors like signboard and show-window type, which make the facade of the store; and interior factors like laundry facilities, vending machines, and layout that reflect the design showing brand identity. Through on-site surveys such as government statistics, official introduction data of franchise, online community, and participation in exhibitions, this study investigated the current status and characteristics of the self-service laundry industry; and divided them into three types of self-service laundry; and looked at a total of six brand stores, two per each type. First. depending on the type of franchise business and the contract method, there is a difference in the way brand identity is expressed in the design factors. Second, washing machines and dryer equipment in self-service laundry features them as a product used by customers themselves, as a huge part in physical factor of servicescape. Lastly, even stores of the same franchisees have many factors that differentiate themselves depending on the preference of interior companies and store owners. While this study has limitations conducted with only a physical perspective on self-service laundry, also has meaning-made questions for further study. |