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[원문보기시 소비되는 포인트 : 100 포인트] 미리보기 인용

한국BIM학회|논문집 2019년 12월

논문명 수도권 지하철 7호선 주요역 통근통행특성 분석 연구 / Travel Behavior Analysis using Origin-Destination Data for the Subway Line No.7
저자명 한상천(Han, Sang-Cheon); 이경철(Lee, Kyung-Chul); 김환용(Kim, Hwan-Yong); 최영우(Choi, Young Woo)
발행사 한국BIM학회
수록사항 한국BIM학회 논문집, Vol.9 No.4 (2019-12)
페이지 시작페이지(75) 총페이지(9)
ISSN 2288-1697
주제분류 전산
주제어 철도공간정보; 지하철 통근특성; 수도권지하철; 공간빅데이터 ; Subway User Analysis; Travel Behavior; Seoul Metroline; Spatial Big Data
요약2 Recent data development has made it possible to analyze each individual’s daily commuting by using transportation card transaction. This research utilizes about 1 million observations from the subway line no.7 of Seoul metropolitan transportation data. By using such a massive dataset, the authors try to identify daily travel behavior of morning commute and its possible relationship between subway usage and socio-economic factors. There are 4 main types of users and their travel behavior, and top 15 stations with the most users for arrival and departure are selected. Accordingly, 15 stations have distinctive characteristics including population density and the number of businesses around stations. To identify this fact, the 4 most populated stations are selected and their socio-economic factors are examined. According to the analysis, the most departure stations are generally surrounded by hihgly populated residential areas, whereas the most arrival stations are stood within the job concentrated districts.
소장처 한국BIM학회
언어 한국어
DOI https://doi.org/10.13161/kibim.2019.9.4.075