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[원문보기시 소비되는 포인트 : 100 포인트] 미리보기 인용

한국도시부동산학회|도시부동산연구 2020년 12월

논문명 AHP분석을 활용한 도시발전정책 우선순위 선정 / Priority Setting of Urban Development Policies Using the AHP Method
저자명 장재일(Jang, Jae-Il)식별저자
발행사 한국도시부동산학회
수록사항 도시부동산연구, Vol.11 No.3 (2020-12)
페이지 시작페이지(57) 총페이지(15)
ISSN 2800-0161
주제분류 도시
주제어 도시발전정책; 우선순위; 도시기본계획; 거주특성; AHP ; Urban Development Policy; Priority; Urban Master Plan; Residency Characteristic; AHP
요약2 This study conducted an AHP analysis for experts in urban planning and regional development in order to derive the priority of urban policy. As a result of analyzing the weight of each respondent by policy, the weights of the areas of culture and tourism development and manufacturing competitiveness were high in the large category, and the weights of culture and tourism resource development and strategic industry development were high for the small category. When classifying respondents as residents and non-residents, residents rated transportation weights higher than non-residents, and the two sides also ranked somewhat differently among the sub-categories. This difference is interpreted as being related to policy interest. Expert questionnaires can be used in the process of establishing city's development direction and prioritizing policies, and to reach a reasonable conclusion, it is necessary to check the respondent's residency characteristics and to fully understand objective values. In the process of establishing city's development direction and prioritizing policies, expert questionnaires can be used. In order to reach a reasonable conclusion through this, it is necessary to check the respondent's residency characteristics, and the process of sufficiently deliberating about objective values should be followed.
소장처 한국도시부동산학회
언어 한국어
DOI https://doi.org/10.21447/jup.2020.11.3.57
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