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¼¿ï½Ã Á¦Á¶¾÷ ÁýÀûÁöÀÇ °ø°£Àû ºÐÆ÷ ¹× Ư¼º¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ / A Study on the Spatial Distribution and Characteristics of Manufacturing Clusters in Seoul |
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±¹Åä°èȹ, Vol.51 No.2(Åë±Ç 220È£) (2016-04) |
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µµ½ÃÇüÁ¦Á¶¾÷ ; Á¦Á¶¾÷ÁýÀûÁö ; °ø°£Àû ºÐÆ÷ ; ÀÔÁöƯ¼º ; Urban manufacturing ; Manufacturing cluster ; Spatial distribution ; Location factor |
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The recent global financial crisis suggests that industrial structure specialized in single sector only, particularly in tertiary industry, does not longer ensure the sustainability of regional economy. The importance of industrial diversity to respond to economic fluidity becomes more apparent. Reflecting these circumstances, Seoul has implemented 'Industrial and Special Development Promotion Districts' and made efforts to protect urban manufacturing. However, manufacturing clusters in Seoul is under threat from conversion to residential, commercial, and business uses. In addition, strategies for promoting and protecting manufacturing clusters have not been established yet at the city level. Therefore, it is important to identify clusters of urban manufacturing and their characteristics. The results of cluster analysis and multinomial logistic regression reveal that manufacturing clusters in Seoul could be categorized into several types with different characteristics. Both internal factors, such as operation length and number of employees, and physical factors, such as major uses of building, land use, and accessibility, characterize each type of manufacturing clusters. |