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R452B ³Ã¸Å Àû¿ë ¹°´ë¹° Áö¿¿ø È÷Æ®ÆßÇÁ À¯´ÖÀÇ ³Ã³¹æ ¿îÀü ¼º´É Ư¼º / Heating and Cooling Performance Characteristics of a Water-to-Water Heat Pump with R452B Refrigerant |
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Çѱ¹Áö¿¿¡³ÊÁöÇÐȸ ³í¹®Áý, Vol.13 No.4 (2017-12) |
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È÷Æ®ÆßÇÁ ; ´ëü³Ã¸Å ; ¼ºÀû°è¼ö ; ¿¿ø ; Heat pump ; Alternative refrigerant ; COP ; Heat source |
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Refrigerant having high global warming potentials will be phased out due to environmental protection issues. R410A has been widely used in geothermal heat pump. However, it has a little high GWP by 2088 value. One of the recommended substitute for R410A refrigerant is R452B which having a GWP by 698 value. In this paper, the heating and cooling performance of the water-to-water geothermal heat pump unit with R452B was experimentally investigated. The performance of the heat pump adopting R452B was also compared with the system applying R410A. The heating and cooling capacity of R452B heat pump system showed a slightly lower values within 2% comparing with R410A system. However, the R452B system's coefficient of performance was enhanced by 5.2% and 13.7% at heating and cooling mode, respectively. |