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Áö¼Ó¼º ÀÖ´Â ¸¶À»°ü¸® »çȸÀûÇùµ¿Á¶ÇÕÀÇ ¿ª·®¿ä±¸µµ ºÐ¼® / A Study on the Analysis of Competency Needs of Sustainable Village Management Social Cooperatives |
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µµ½ÃÀç»ý, Vol.9 No.3 (2023-12) |
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Village management cooperatives, which are the key players in urban regeneration projects, are organized as non-profit corporations to manage and manage various facilities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance and performance of competencies perceived by participants in urban regeneration projects for the sustainable operation of village management cooperatives, to derive priority groups, and to provide useful data for the development and operation of capacity-building programs that can be of practical help in the operation of village management cooperatives. A total of 54 competency items extracted from previous studies were selected through focus group interviews (FGI). A survey was conducted among 145 authorized village management cooperatives that were authorized in urban regeneration projects from 2019 to 2022. We applied t-test, Borich needs, and TLfF model to derive priority groups. As a result of the study, the final 12 competency items were identified as priority groups, which can be applied as priorities when planning and operating a capacity building program for village management cooperatives. Continuous capacity-building will help the village cooperatives to establish themselves in the community. |